100 Essential Marketing Metrics for Measuring Campaign Performance

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In the fast-paced and evolving realm of marketing, encompassing both digital and traditional platforms, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the performance of your campaigns. This involves analyzing various metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. By delving into a diverse range of 100 essential marketing terms, you can uncover nuanced details about the impact of your strategies and use this data to inform and guide your decision-making processes towards greater success.

Read: Understanding DAU, WAU, MAU

Understanding the Marketing Metrics

Here’s an in-depth look at an extensive list of 100 marketing metrics, complete with their abbreviations, full names, detailed explanations, and example calculations.

#AbbreviationFull NameExplanationExample Calculation
1ROIReturn on InvestmentMeasures the profitability of a marketing campaign.ROI = (Revenue – Cost) / Cost.
Example: (5000 – 2000) / 2000 = 1.5 or 150% ROI
2CPCCost Per ClickThe amount spent for each click on an advertisement.CPC = Total Cost / Number of Clicks.
Example: ₹200 / 50 clicks = ₹4 per click
3CPMCost Per Thousand ImpressionsThe cost of 1,000 ad impressions.CPM = (Total Cost / Impressions) x 1000.
Example: (₹200 / 50,000) x 1000 = ₹4
4CPACost Per AcquisitionThe cost incurred for acquiring a customer.CPA = Total Cost / Number of Acquisitions.
Example: ₹200 / 10 acquisitions = ₹20 per acquisition
5CPLCost Per LeadThe cost incurred to generate a lead.CPL = Total Cost / Number of Leads.
Example: ₹500 / 50 leads = ₹10 per lead
6CTRClick-Through RateThe percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing it.CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) x 100.
Example: (50 clicks / 5000 impressions) x 100 = 1% CTR
7CVRConversion RateThe percentage of users who complete a desired action after clicking an ad.CVR = (Conversions / Clicks) x 100.
Example: (25 conversions / 200 clicks) x 100 = 12.5% CVR
8LTVLifetime ValueThe total revenue expected from a customer over their lifetime.Example: If a customer spends ₹100 per year and remains a customer for 5 years, LTV = ₹100 x 5 = ₹500
9AOVAverage Order ValueThe average amount spent each time a customer places an order.AOV = Total Revenue / Number of Orders.
Example: ₹5000 / 100 orders = ₹50 per order
10NPSNet Promoter ScoreMeasures customer loyalty and satisfaction.NPS = % Promoters – % Detractors.
Example: 60% Promoters – 20% Detractors = 40 NPS
11CACCustomer Acquisition CostThe cost associated with acquiring a new customer.CAC = Total Marketing and Sales Cost / Number of New Customers.
Example: ₹2000 / 50 new customers = ₹40 CAC
12CLVCustomer Lifetime ValueThe total value a customer is expected to bring during their lifetime.Example: If a customer spends ₹500 per year and remains a customer for 5 years, CLV = ₹500 x 5 = ₹2500
13CRChurn RateThe percentage of customers who stop using a service during a given period.CR = (Customers Lost / Total Customers) x 100.
Example: (5 / 100) x 100 = 5% churn rate
14CPICost Per ImpressionThe cost incurred for each ad impression.CPI = Total Cost / Number of Impressions.
Example: ₹500 / 50,000 impressions = ₹0.01 per impression
15VTRView-Through RateThe percentage of users who view a video ad and then take a desired action.VTR = (Desired Actions / Impressions) x 100.
Example: (200 actions / 10,000 impressions) x 100 = 2% VTR
16TCOTotal Cost of OwnershipThe purchase price of an asset plus the costs of operation.Example: If a software costs ₹1000 and ₹200 annually for maintenance, TCO for 5 years = ₹1000 + (₹200 x 5) = ₹2000
17ROASReturn on Ad SpendMeasures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising.ROAS = Revenue from Ads / Cost of Ads.
Example: ₹5000 revenue / ₹1000 ad spend = 5 or 500% ROAS
18SOVShare of VoiceA brand’s advertising presence compared to competitors.SOV = (Brand Ad Spend / Total Market Ad Spend) x 100.
Example: (₹10,000 / ₹100,000) x 100 = 10% SOV
19SEOSearch Engine OptimizationThe process of optimizing online content to rank higher in search engine results.Example: Improved SEO results in higher organic traffic, measured by increased site visits from search engines
20SEMSearch Engine MarketingThe use of paid advertising to appear in search engine results.Example: SEM campaigns generate traffic; effectiveness measured by CTR, conversions, and ROI
21PPCPay Per ClickA model of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.Example: PPC campaign cost ₹2000 with 500 clicks; CPC = ₹2000 / 500 = ₹4 per click
22KPIKey Performance IndicatorMetrics used to evaluate the success of a marketing campaign.Example: KPIs could be CTR, conversion rate, or ROI, depending on campaign goals
23UVUnique VisitorsThe number of distinct individuals visiting a website within a specific period.Example: If a site has 500 UVs in a month, it means 500 different individuals visited the site
24PVPage ViewsThe total number of pages viewed on a website.Example: If a website’s pages are viewed 10,000 times in a month, it has 10,000 PVs
25MAUMonthly Active UsersThe number of unique users who interact with an application within a month.Example: An app has 50,000 MAUs if 50,000 unique users used it in the past month
26DAUDaily Active UsersThe number of unique users who interact with an application daily.Example: An app has 5,000 DAUs if 5,000 unique users used it today
27ARPUAverage Revenue Per UserThe average revenue generated per user.ARPU = Total Revenue / Total Users.
Example: ₹5000 revenue / 500 users = ₹10 ARPU
28CLTVCustomer Lifetime ValueThe predicted net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer.Example: If a customer spends ₹100 per year for 5 years and the profit margin is 50%, CLTV = ₹100 x 5 x 0.5 = ₹250
29CPLCost Per LeadThe cost incurred to generate a lead.CPL = Total Cost / Number of Leads.
Example: ₹1000 / 50 leads = ₹20 per lead
30CSATCustomer Satisfaction ScoreMeasures how satisfied customers are with a product/service.Example: If 80 out of 100 respondents rate satisfaction positively, CSAT = 80%
31CRRCustomer Retention RateThe percentage of customers a company retains over a specific period.CRR = ((Customers at End of Period – New Customers) / Customers at Start of Period) x 100.
Example: (90/100) x 100 = 90%
32DRDirect ResponseAdvertising designed to elicit an immediate response.Example: Direct mail campaign generates 50 responses from 1000 sent mails, DR = 50/1000 = 5%
33EPMEarnings Per MilleRevenue generated per 1,000 impressions.EPM = (Total Revenue / Impressions) x 1000.
Example: (₹200 / 50,000) x 1000 = ₹4
34VTRVideo Completion RateThe percentage of videos watched to the end.VTR = (Videos Completed / Videos Started) x 100.
Example: (800 / 1000) x 100 = 80%
35EREngagement RateThe level of engagement that a piece of content receives from an audience.ER = (Total Engagements / Total Followers) x 100.
Example: (500 engagements / 10,000 followers) x 100 = 5%
36BRBounce RateThe percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing only one page.BR = (Single Page Visits / Total Visits) x 100.
Example: (300 / 1000) x 100 = 30%
37PVRPage View RateThe average number of pages viewed per session.PVR = Total Page Views / Total Sessions.
Example: 5000 page views / 1000 sessions = 5 pages per session
38LVRLead-to-Visit RatioThe ratio of leads generated to total website visits.LVR = (Number of Leads / Number of Visits) x 100.
Example: (50 leads / 2000 visits) x 100 = 2.5%
39CVLCustomer ValueThe monetary worth of a customer.Example: If a customer spends ₹1000 annually and the profit margin is 20%, CVL = ₹1000 x 0.2 = ₹200
40FVRFunnel Conversion RateThe percentage of users who move from one stage of the funnel to the next.FVR = (Conversions at Stage n / Entries at Stage n-1) x 100.
Example: (20 / 100) x 100 = 20%
41ACAverage ConversionThe average rate at which users convert to customers.AC = (Total Conversions / Total Visitors) x 100.
Example: (50 / 2000) x 100 = 2.5%
42OTSOpportunities to SeeThe average number of times a target audience member is exposed to an advertisement.Example: If an ad is displayed 10 times to an audience of 100, OTS = 1000 / 100 = 10
43PRPenetration RateThe percentage of a target market that has purchased a product.PR = (Number of Customers / Target Market Size) x 100.
Example: (500 / 5000) x 100 = 10%
44RPRRepeat Purchase RateThe percentage of customers who make more than one purchase.RPR = (Repeat Customers / Total Customers) x 100.
Example: (50 / 200) x 100 = 25%
45ARAttrition RateThe rate at which customers leave a service or stop buying products.AR = (Number of Lost Customers / Total Customers) x 100.
Example: (10 / 200) x 100 = 5%
46CPMECost Per EngagementThe cost incurred for each user engagement with an ad.CPME = Total Cost / Number of Engagements.
Example: ₹200 / 50 engagements = ₹4 per engagement
47ROMIReturn on Marketing InvestmentMeasures the return generated on marketing investment.ROMI = (Revenue – Marketing Cost) / Marketing Cost.
Example: (₹5000 – ₹2000) / ₹2000 = 1.5 or 150%
48CRPMCost Per Response (Media)The cost incurred for each response generated by a media campaign.CRPM = Total Cost / Number of Responses.
Example: ₹200 / 50 responses = ₹4 per response
49VTCView-Through ConversionThe number of post-impression conversions.Example: If 100 users see an ad and 10 later convert without clicking, VTC = 10
50RPMRevenue Per MilleRevenue generated per 1,000 impressions.RPM = (Total Revenue / Impressions) x 1000.
Example: (₹500 / 100,000) x 1000 = ₹5
51EPCEarnings Per ClickRevenue generated per click.EPC = Total Revenue / Number of Clicks.
Example: ₹500 / 1000 clicks = ₹0.50 per click
52CPECost Per EngagementThe cost incurred for each user engagement with an ad.CPE = Total Cost / Number of Engagements.
Example: ₹300 / 60 engagements = ₹5 per engagement
53CPACost Per ActionThe cost incurred for each specified action (purchase, form submission, etc.).CPA = Total Cost / Number of Actions.
Example: ₹400 / 20 actions = ₹20 per action
54CTORClick-to-Open RateThe percentage of opened emails that received a click.CTOR = (Clicks / Opens) x 100.
Example: (50 clicks / 200 opens) x 100 = 25%
55CPOCost Per OrderThe cost incurred for each order placed.CPO = Total Cost / Number of Orders.
Example: ₹1000 / 100 orders = ₹10 per order
56EPSEarnings Per ShareThe portion of a company’s profit allocated to each outstanding share of stock.EPS = (Net Income – Dividends on Preferred Stock) / Average Outstanding Shares.
Example: ₹1,000,000 / 100,000 shares = ₹10
57SOVShare of VoiceA brand’s advertising presence compared to competitors.SOV = (Brand Ad Spend / Total Market Ad Spend) x 100.
Example: (₹5000 / ₹100,000) x 100 = 5%
58CPLCost Per LeadThe cost incurred to generate a lead.CPL = Total Cost / Number of Leads.
Example: ₹600 / 30 leads = ₹20 per lead
59EMVEarned Media ValueThe value of media coverage gained through PR efforts.Example: If media coverage equivalent ad cost is ₹1000, EMV = ₹1000
60FCRFirst Call ResolutionThe percentage of customer service inquiries resolved on the first contact.FCR = (Resolved on First Call / Total Inquiries) x 100.
Example: (80 / 100) x 100 = 80%
61FTRFirst-Time Response RateThe percentage of first-time inquiries that receive a response.FTR = (First-Time Responses / Total First-Time Inquiries) x 100.
Example: (70 / 100) x 100 = 70%
62CTCClick-to-ConversionThe percentage of clicks that result in a conversion.CTC = (Conversions / Clicks) x 100.
Example: (25 / 200) x 100 = 12.5%
63MERMarketing Efficiency RatioThe ratio of revenue to marketing spend.MER = Total Revenue / Total Marketing Spend.
Example: ₹10,000 revenue / ₹2,000 spend = 5
64CTACall To ActionEncourages the audience to take a specific action.Example: “Sign Up Now” button in an email campaign
65OPMOrganic Page ViewsThe number of page views generated without paid advertising.Example: 3000 organic page views from search engine traffic
66ORMOnline Reputation ManagementManaging and influencing a business’s online reputation.Example: Monitoring reviews and social media mentions to improve brand perception
67PPIPay Per ImpressionThe amount paid each time an ad is displayed.PPI = Total Cost / Number of Impressions.
Example: ₹200 / 50,000 impressions = ₹0.004 per impression
68PSProfitability ScoreA measure of the profitability of a marketing activity.Example: If revenue is ₹10,000 and costs are ₹7,000, PS = ₹3,000
69PVLPage Visit LengthThe average time spent on a web page.Example: If total time on page is 2000 minutes for 500 visits, PVL = 2000 / 500 = 4 minutes per visit
70RPERevenue Per EmployeeRevenue generated per employee.RPE = Total Revenue / Number of Employees.
Example: ₹1,000,000 / 50 employees = ₹20,000 per employee
71RSVRevenue per Session ValueThe average revenue generated per session.RSV = Total Revenue / Total Sessions.
Example: ₹5000 / 1000 sessions = ₹5 per session
72BSRBest Sellers RankA metric used by retailers to rank products based on sales performance.Example: Product ranked #1 in its category on Amazon indicates highest sales
73OMBOnline Media BuyingThe process of purchasing advertising space online.Example: Buying banner ads on websites for ₹5000
74PPCPay Per CallThe amount paid each time a phone call is generated by an ad.PPC = Total Cost / Number of Calls.
Example: ₹200 / 50 calls = ₹4 per call
75RPWRevenue per Website VisitThe average revenue generated per visit to a website.RPW = Total Revenue / Total Visits.
Example: ₹10,000 / 5000 visits = ₹2 per visit
76SCTRSocial Click-Through RateThe percentage of social media users who click on a link in a social media post.SCTR = (Clicks / Impressions) x 100.
Example: (50 clicks / 5000 impressions) x 100 = 1%
77SHRSocial Share RateThe percentage of social media users who share a post.SHR = (Shares / Impressions) x 100.
Example: (10 shares / 1000 impressions) x 100 = 1%
78TTVTime to ValueThe time it takes for a customer to realize the value of a product/service.Example: If it takes 3 months for a customer to see the benefits of a software, TTV = 3 months
79UPTUnits Per TransactionThe average number of units sold per transaction.UPT = Total Units Sold / Total Transactions.
Example: 500 units / 200 transactions = 2.5 units per transaction
80WTPWillingness to PayThe maximum amount a customer is willing to pay for a product/service.Example: If customers are willing to pay up to ₹50 for a product, WTP = ₹50
81ZMOTZero Moment of TruthThe moment a consumer decides to research a product before purchase.Example: Reading online reviews before buying a product
82CPDCost Per DownloadThe cost incurred for each download of an app or digital content.CPD = Total Cost / Number of Downloads.
Example: ₹500 / 100 downloads = ₹5 per download
83FTAFirst Time AcquisitionThe process of acquiring a new customer for the first time.Example: Gaining 100 new customers through a marketing campaign
84NCANew Customer AcquisitionThe process of acquiring new customers.Example: 200 new customers acquired through a social media campaign
85NRRNet Revenue RetentionMeasures the revenue retained from existing customers over a specific period.NRR = (Revenue at Start + Upsells – Downgrades – Churn) / Revenue at Start x 100.
Example: ((₹5000 + ₹1000 – ₹500) / ₹5000) x 100 = 110%
86PBRPurchase Behavior RateThe rate at which consumers purchase a product after viewing an advertisement.PBR = (Purchases / Ad Views) x 100.
Example: (10 purchases / 1000 ad views) x 100 = 1%
87PCRPost-Click RevenueThe revenue generated after a user clicks on an ad.Example: ₹2000 revenue generated from 500 ad clicks
88QRCQuick Response CodeA type of barcode that stores information.Example: Scanning a QR code with a smartphone to access a website
89TBRTotal Brand ReachThe total number of people who have been exposed to a brand.Example: If 50,000 people have seen a brand’s ad, TBR = 50,000
90UGCUser-Generated ContentContent created by users about a brand or product.Example: Customer reviews, social media posts, and testimonials
91BTLBelow The LineMarketing activities that focus on direct communication with target audiences.Example: Direct mail, email marketing, and in-store promotions
92ATLAbove The LineMarketing activities that focus on mass media to reach a wide audience.Example: TV, radio, and billboard advertising
93TTLThrough The LineIntegrated marketing approach that uses both ATL and BTL strategies.Example: A campaign that combines TV ads with social media promotions
94LTMLong-Term MemoryThe ability of customers to retain information about a brand over time.Example: A memorable jingle or slogan that customers remember for years
95WOMWord of MouthThe passing of information about a brand/product from person to person.Example: Positive reviews and recommendations from friends or family
96CLMCustomer Loyalty ManagementStrategies to retain customers and encourage repeat business.Example: Loyalty programs, personalized offers, and excellent customer service
97DMPData Management PlatformExample: Using a DMP to track and analyze customer behaviour across multiple channelsAn integrated marketing approach that uses both ATL and BTL strategies.
98DSPDemand-Side PlatformTechnology used to purchase digital advertising.Example: Using a DSP to buy ad space in real-time bidding auctions
99SSPSupply-Side PlatformTechnology used by publishers to sell digital advertising.Example: Using an SSP to manage and sell ad inventory on a website
100CTRClick-Through RateThe percentage of users who click on a link or ad after seeing it.CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) x 100.
Example: (100 clicks / 10,000 impressions) x 100 = 1%

This comprehensive table encompasses a diverse array of metrics and terminology utilized to assess the effectiveness of digital and traditional marketing campaigns. Each term is indispensable for gaining insights into various facets of campaign performance and formulating an effective overall marketing strategy.

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